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The possible involvement of Vicky White in Casey White's escape is especially stunning because she had been named Employee of the Year four times and had an 'unblemished' record, according to Singleton. 'It just, you know, there’s just no way really, other than that she assisted,' Lauderdale County Sheriff Rick Singleton said on TODAY Monday. No one has heard from Vicky White since April 29, and her phone has gone directly to voicemail, police said. She also said she planned to go to a medical appointment after dropping him off, which was not true, according to investigators. Vicky White, 56, no relation to the suspect, told authorities she was bringing Casey White from jail to a courthouse for a planned mental health evaluation, but the evaluation was never scheduled, according to investigators. Federal authorities have joined a manhunt for a capital murder suspect in Alabama amid questions about whether a corrections officer may have helped him escape.Ĭasey White, a 6-foot-9, 260-pound suspect, was at the Lauderdale County Jail awaiting trial for two counts of capital murder when he vanished on April 29 after the assistant director of corrections said she was transporting him from the jail.

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